Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Future Is Now

I say the future is now simply because it is.  Although you could say the future hasn't happened yet, we are creating it right this very moment with the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the images we conjure in our creative minds eye.

I'm very excited to be coming closer to choosing a name for what will be my future business. Future Flora, at this time, feels juuuuuust at the brink of "yes." Though I know when the time is ripe and ready, the perfect name will reveal itself.  Future Flora means several different things to me. I am in the process of envisioning, intending, and feeling scenarios and dreams which I am ready to make real, and in turn, I know will eventually become my reality. The future, being created in the now, symbolizes what I am literally creating, right now, into my future. Future can also describe my design style (most of the time.) Though I do design and tailor specifically to each unique space, all arrangements fit and compliment the environment in which they are placed. I will be posting images of work as this blog matures. Flora, the material I love most working with. Clean. Simple.  The two together sound harmonious.

I find it extremely fascinating and exciting working with flowers. Because they are such organic forms of living beauty, it is one of the most challenging of mediums to sculpt. One has to work with its natural size, its natural form,  and its always unexpected shapes and colors, season to season, year to year.  One of my favorite flowers of the current season (Summer), Hydrangea, is a perfect example of the many unexpected gifts we receive from flowers.  Typically, Hydrangea would have its season start in early Spring and end around August/ September...but this year it has surprised us coming into season in June, peaking in August, and will probably continue to do so until it wanes out sometime in  October.  If you've noticed too, the pushing forward ( or back if you'd like ) of our seasons, everything responds in like manner. Amazing. I mean seriously, do you recall our Winter last year?? 85 degrees almost daily through December and January?! Awesome. 


Really, to think of all the factors that create the end result of a flowers color, shape, and size just blows my mind. In this particular species, Hydrangea gets its colors dependent on PH balance of the soil. Acidic soil produce more blue flowers, neutral soil produce more cream and white, and alkaline soil produce more pink and purple blooms. Absolutely fascinating. I truly realize how closely related we are to plants and flowers when I consider the endless minute details that go into making something alive and vibrant. 

My purest intent with creating this blog is for documenting self progress, projecting intentions and dreams, and also posting any and all of that which is extreme inspiration to me. Because my work is a reflection of what inspires me most, posts of inspiration will most likely be the mainstay. Really, this blog is for me, but if you are inspired and fascinated by what I am, too, all the better! We're co-creating a more fantastical world.

So...for Future Flora...I'm having a ball dreaming of all the wonderful things I'll soon be experiencing. But for now, designing for Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Jimmy Choo, and countless other fashion houses and entertainment moguls along side probably one of the most entertaining and talented boses one could ever ask for ain't so bad either. Lady Gaga will have to wait...for the future.